SSAA NSW President & CEO Message January

Welcome to 2023,

It was great to launch our monthly newsletter at Christmas and we are very encouraged by the feedback received. We are excited to be able to provide you with regular updates of what is happening at SSAA NSW, including updates from branches, clubs, and stakeholders.


SSAA NSW values Member, branch and club engagement which gives your Board and management a greater understanding of what you want from your Peak Association and of course helps make better informed decision making.

As you know, we have regular zoom meetings with representatives of each of the branches throughout the year. Leadership across the Association is so important, and we thank all our volunteers for the hard work they do.

To further enhance communication in 2023, we are currently preparing SSAA NSW’s largest shooting sports survey. By surveying our 62,000 members, we will be able to hear from you directly about how you want the Association to look over the next 5, 10, 25 years and beyond. Your responses will shape our future and we encourage you to participate when it is launched later this year and we look forward sharing the results with you.

In addition to the survey, we are also holding a branch strategic planning day which will directly engage the leadership and emerging leadership of the Association. No one individual has all the answers, and by harnessing our Members, current and future leadership; we are confident that we will be an even greater Association providing services to our Members.


We are very thankful for our Member’s input and this has been a core reason for SSAA NSW advocacy success. Our strong advocacy is ongoing and extremely important. Please be reminded that the next NSW election is being held on Saturday 25th March. Whilst some may think that advocacy is only about elections; it is important to note that advocacy is effective when it is consistent, evidenced based and meaningful. It is true that we have been effective when we ran an e-petition that became the NSW Parliaments largest e-petition; but it is also true that we have been effective in the many hundreds of meetings and engagements we have had at various levels of Government, bureaucracy and by our own collective conduct.

SSAA NSW, branches, clubs and members are recognised as important key stakeholders and the ability to effect positive change is a result of all our efforts. Be assured we will stand up for our members and all legal firearms owners regardless of the election cycle; working positively for you.


As per our recent reminder to all members, if you are required to complete mandatory longarm, collecting or hunting attendances, they must be completed by the end of March with the NSW Firearms Registry commencing compliance mid April.

If you have already completed your attendances or are not required to, then not a problem; however if you are required to complete mandatory attendances, then please ensure you complete them as soon as possible. For branches who utilise SSAA NSW’s electronic attendance system, members attendances are recorded and emailed to you. This is an easy way to check on your attendances at any time.


Many would know that the Department of Fair Trading required SSAA NSW to convert from an Incorporated Association to a Company Limited by Guarantee. We are pleased to announce that after a lot of hard work, extensive consultation with branches; the Australian Securities Investment Commission (ASIC) has approved the conversion.

Whilst this means an updated constitution, and our regulator changing from the Department of Fair Trading to ASIC and of course an increase in governance requirements; we continue to be a not for profit body and will continue to service our Members.

The final part of our journey to convert was a requirement from AISC to make a minor amendment to the previously adopted constitution. It was fantastic to see our branches respond very quickly with 100 percent of branch responses being supportive, allowing the conversion to occur ensuring SSAA NSW is able to remain focused on core business.

SSAA NSW is positioned strongly for the future with great members, dedicated volunteers and a hard working Board and management, working to a strategic plan. Together we can achieve even more in 2023!

We look forward to the year ahead, working with you and having fun along the way.

Kinds Regards,

Lance Miller
President – SSAA NSW Limited

Jai Rowell
CEO / Executive Director SSAA NSW Limited