Over 63,000 members across NSW
The Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (New South Wales) Limited represents the safe, fun and all-inclusive range of sports available today.
As the leading authority on the safe handling and use of firearms, SSAA NSW Ltd makes important contributions to government policy direction, industry research and development, tailored educational programs and training, legal and ethical hunting and conservation, and the facilitation and promotion of responsible wildlife management for farmers with pest issues to seek the assistance of its network of volunteer hunters throughout the State.
Sports shooting is safe,
fun and all-inclusive
Representing law-abiding firearms owners in NSW
SSAA (National) was established in 1948 to represent the interests of Sporting Shooters. SSAA exists today in its capacity as a national body representing law-abiding firearms owners. State organisations (including SSAA NSW Ltd) were established from the 1950s and state processes are managed by a board, president, CEO and full-time staff.
SSAA NSW Ltd supports the operations of all branches within the state. Each individual branch and affiliate club is run separately by employees and volunteers and receives support from the state office.
We have a dedicated team of professionals who support our hard working volunteers. Together, we continue to expand and improve our services, for the benefit of all SSAA NSW Ltd members.