The AIHPA is an incorporated Association with the Dept of Fair Trading. It was conceived in 2002/03 after the growing interest in international multi distance, position and course rifle shooting. Finally, a group of dedicated shooters founded the AIHPA in 2004 after changes in shooting direction and structures of service shooting in Australia.
The information about the AIHPA forthwith is not the constitution, or is it meant to represent it. Following is general information about the AIHPA that is stood by and used as a means of guiding the association into the future.
A copy of the constitution is available to AIHPA members only, and always remains the property of the AIHPA.
AIHPA was started by small group of dedicated shooters who had a vision:
- Promote local, inter-state and international competition using universally accepted, and highly popular, courses contested internationally,
- Compete on an equal basis with other international shooting associations,
- Appeal to a large group of existing shooters, not all of whom are currently participating in competitive shooting,
- Create a fun and challenging competitive environment,
- Work alongside and support other, similar, disciplines and associations,
- Affiliate where ever possible and practical with peak bodies who share the same vision, locally and internationally,
- Endorse a civilian marksmanship type program of skills for the competent, responsible and sportsman ownership of firearms.
- The highly successful and competitive High Power service and match rifle courses from other countries around the world are a perfect fit for these ideals and vision.
- To promote local and international competitive shooting,
- Affiliating with international shooting associations, thus allowing competitors to have official international score recognition, and allowing Australian members to compete against some of the best shooters in the world,
- Affiliating with local Australian sporting and shooting associations, as required, for further benefits to members in line with, and beyond, AIHPA objectives,
- Assisting with the education of members regarding the safe and responsible use of firearms for practice and competition purposes,
- Supporting shooting clubs, associations and branches across Australia in the promotion, and hosting, of High Power events,
- Campaign for shooters rights and the legitimate ownership of semi-automatic firearms for any sporting purposes.
- Ranking and selection of representative teams for interstate, national and international competition,
- Applying the High Power shooting rules, and the local rules applicable within Australia, in such a way that it maximises exposure and growth to the sport without discrimination or deteriorating of the core discipline,
- Assisting with the supply of High Power educational, reference and related material to local shooting clubs and individual shooters,
- Campaign, whenever possible, retailers and suppliers for member benefits.
- Promotion of the High Power shooting courses of fire,
- Development and maintenance of the sport through credible rules administration, match sanctioning, classification and qualification programs,
- Maintain simple and uncostly communication with members,
- Education of members and clubs regarding High Power shooting,
- Assisting with the organisation of High Power shooting competitions,
- Skills development within the membership and the sharing of information,
- International and national club and association liaison,
- Sourcing and supply of required materials to run shooting events,
- Maintaining the Association and its website.
The AIHPA is an incorporated Association, run for shooters, by shooters.
The AIHPA is apolitical and seeks to be as inclusive as possible – not elitist or exclusionist to any legitimate, honest and positive sport shooter, course, club or association.
Elected committee members must act on behalf of the members, the sport and associations best interests.
The AIHPA will be run in accordance with its rules – the constitution. The constitution, policies, and resolutions of meetings, will be used by the association in the best interests of the AIHPA objectives.
Membership of the AIHPA is not only restricted to licensed shooters. Although there are many reasons for people to join the AIHPA, typically the reason is related to shooting sports and activities. However, anybody who shares the views of the AIHPA may join – it is encouraged. Becoming a member allows one to share any benefits, programs, etc.
The AIHPA offers shooters membership that is unique, and very inexpensive, considering the scope of this international flavoured shooting association. The small membership cost to be part of this association is a small sacrifice to help the sport, and should be well within reach of every active shooter.
The AIHPA members specifically enjoy the following benefits:
– Participation in AIHPA events under the conditions of the event,
– Participation in Internationally accredited events,
– Eligible for sanctioned event titles and trophies,
– Have their classification (grading) recognised at events,
– Qualification marksmanship programs,
– National rankings,
– any other AIHPA benefits or programs as they arise
The annual membership fee is set, per the latest membership form. This fee may change from year to year. Also, membership may be for multiple years at the choice of the candidate.
Associate Member for physically challenged:
We value our members, and all members will age. However age or health may be a factor in the member continuing to shoot with the AIHPA, yet the member may continue to share the aims and views of the AIHPA, and as such, want to stay attached to the AIHPA…and we’d like to keep them involved.
Reason: Shooters who may suffer from, or develop, a debilitating physical challenge may have to give up active participation in shooting sports (in this case, High Power). Although they may retain their licence and firearms, their days of competitive shooting are past, and remaining a financial member of the AIHPA may not be warranted or affordable. To keep shooters a part of the AIHPA, also as thanks for their years of patronage, an Associate level of membership may be available.
Guidelines for Associate Membership: Beyond standard membership requirements:
– One-off fee of $10, and only eligible on the back of an expiring membership (cannot cancel or postpone a current full financial membership for an associate membership then recommence the full financial membership when choosing).
– Have been a fully financial member of the AIHPA for 5 years (total, does not need to be consecutive).
– Has no voting rights, and cannot hold any type of AIHPA office position.
– Is not eligible to gains by any AIHPA programs, or rewards from such programs (examples. Grand Prix, Australian Rifleman, Qualification, etc) during the Associate Membership period.
– Must be majority approved by the committee.
– Can become a full financial member at any time without needing to pay the “joining fee”.
– Can be rescinded at any time as approved by the committee without rebuttal or dispute.
– No date expiration for the life of the associate member, unless the associate member begins actively shooting, which will immediately cancel this associate membership and full financial membership will be required. Or, a maximum associate membership period of 5 years, then confirmation of interest to remain an associate member is required.
– Membership is considered after application/request by the member/candidate.
Non-Members (Visitors):
Anybody may contest or practice our shooting courses at their club. These activities are the responsibility of the club and are not a concern of the AIHPA.
A non-member may shoot in “open”, “semi-open” or “closed” AIHPA events in accordance with rules or conditions of that event.
Applying to join the AIHPA is by way of an application form (available from the website). Joining terms are annual, however membership can be for multiple years.
It is the ambition of the AIHPA that every shooter interested in multi-position, mulit-distance sporting & target shooting will take up membership, because we offer a well structured and credible shooting association for the better of the sport, and the competitors.
The AIHPA, as an administrative shooting association, is affiliated with associations and clubs around the world to network shooting sports and competition for the benefit and exposure of Australian members and shooters. The AIHPA will work closely with any shooting clubs and associations, big and small, around the world, in the best interests of its members.
AIHPA’s insurance is by way of affiliation to an Australian peak body. This affiliation offers our members, and the association, the comfort of an insurance policy for full cover of all shooting events, shooting activities, property damage, accidents and third party.
Most AIHPA shooting activities and events are held and organised by “host clubs” on our behalf. Hosts control the event, and run the event to the best of their capacity and ability. Hosts must not supersede the AIHPA event guidelines, or conduct the event such that it may render the event ineligible to offer the title, or disqualify any event international sanctions.
The AIHPA, as an administrative body, can sanction club matches and accept scores for shooter classification and qualification per our sanctioning guidelines. If the event is approved by the AIHPA, event results may be used towards shooter rankings and/or any series championships.
Members are bound to protect any sensitive information they may be exposed to or receive under any circumstances.
On joining the AIHPA, members agree to receive promotional and informational mail outs.
Member details are kept privately by the association, and may only be revealed to an officer where contact is required to be made with a member for the sole purpose of AIHPA business.
Appointment or election of AIHPA office bearers (executive, committee or volunteers) automatically rules that member details be made available to office members for making contact. Officer details beyond the above will be kept private, per above, unless permission approves otherwise.
The courses, or any string parts of them, can be shot anywhere or by any club if the range template and approval allows. It is encouraged that all ranges and clubs at least try our meaningful and credible course of fire.
All, or any, ranges that can support our courses of fire, or any part thereof, are encouraged to contact the AIHPA for any advice or peripheral equipment (such as targets etc.). The AIHPA will support all the efforts by clubs to ensure a successful exhibition, that will hopefully become a regularly run event. The AIHPA will also do its best to provide an experienced representative to attend, and assist, the host club if required.