SSAA NSW is committed to providing our members and branches with information on COVID-19 that recognizes the unique concerns and context associated with the shooting sports.

A COVID-Safe Sport.

The safety of members, volunteers and staff is our number 1 priority.

SSAA NSW has developed a tailored COVID-19 Safety Plan, which may be used by ranges. This COVID-19 Safety Plan is compulsory for all SSAA NSW owned ranges and is recommended for all other ranges operated by SSAA NSW Branches and Affiliates.

Please note, a COVID-19 Safety Plan must be utilised by every venue (whether the venue chooses to use this tailored plan or develop their own). NSW Government requires that all venues keep a copy of their COVID-19 safety plan on the premises at all times and make it available for inspection by an authorised officer as requested.

Safe Space

Safe Space

Ensure there that the appropriate square metre per person rule is followed on any range (this may vary depending on your region).

Safe Distance

Safe Distance

Maintain 1.5m of physical distancing at all times.

Safe Hygiene

Safe Hygiene

Wash/sanitise hands and surfaces regularly.

COVID-19 information is constantly changing.

Read our latest posts related to COVID-19 and sports shooting.